What You Need to Know about Cleaning Pacifiers and Baby Bottles
First-time parents would like to do the best for their babies’ health. In order to protect your baby from diseases, it is important to make sure that everything that goes into your baby’s mouth is clean. Undoubtedly, the feeding bottle and pacifier are the two objects that your baby is in close contact with. New parents often wonder how to clean the nursing bottles and pacifiers. In this article, you can find answers to the questions on how to clean and sterilize pacifiers and baby bottles.
How Often Should Pacifiers and Baby Bottles be Sterilized?
Dummies and baby bottles do not need to be as frequently sterilized as expected. Thanks to the widespread access to clean and safe water today, frequent sterilizing is not necessary. You may sterilize baby utensils before the first use, and periodically after. However, sterilization is not required after each use.
When is Pacifier and Feeding Bottle Cleaning Necessary?
Sterilizing newly purchased baby bottles and pacifiers keeps your baby safe. Usually we are not aware of where objects come into contact during production and shipping. For this reason, it is very important to remove all the germs in utensils that will enter your baby’s mouth before use.

What is the Difference Between Washing and Sterilizing?
Sterilization is the application of heat in order to kill the germs in baby bottles. Steam and hot water are two main methods used for sterilization.
On the other hand, washing is in your normal cleaning routine. You can wash the baby bottle in the dishwasher to remove any remaining milk or other stains. U Green Clean Plant-Based Bottle & Dish Liquid effectively removes germs and other bacteria. With the product, you do not need to sterilize baby utensils. It is recommended to wash your baby bottle with this method after each use in order to get rid of the stains and prevent the growth of bacteria.
Other Tips for Your Baby’s Health and Cleaning
Safety in feeding begins with cleaning baby bottles. However, there are other methods to reduce the germs entering your baby’s food.
Always wash your hands before using baby bottles, pacifiers and baby food.
Wash the baby food storage container before first use.
Only mix safe and clean water with baby food.
Store food in a protected area or a closed cupboard.
Wait until the laundry is completely dry in order to reduce the potential for bacteria, mold or mildew growth.